Deep Woods Ivory 750ml Deep Woods Ivory 750ml
5 stars - "Review for Deep Woods Ivory 750ml" This Deep Woods Ivory 750ml is the best White Wines I have tried.
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Deep Woods Ivory 750ml

Product ID: 9857

View or buy the White Wines White Wines - Deep Woods Ivory 750ml from DEEP WOODS to discover other options and shipping details.


COLOUR: Translucent straw with a brilliant lime green hue.

AROMA: An expressive and vibrant nose with exuberant lemon drops, pea shoots and passionfruit pulp. 

PALATE: Intense, juicy lemon pith bursts onto the palate alongside fresh green herbs. A crunchy acidity provides balance and freshness, highlighting the grassy, tropical and citrus flavours on the finish.


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